The Message Board

Our Community Message Board is designed to function as an online virtual 24/7 community centre and space. Keep in mind that we are seeking to develop conscious awareness and mindfulness through dream weaving in an age of digital technology. We have access to internet space as a means of connecting to each other in a safe social environment and we can make use of our Community Message Board to create content, share perspectives and narratives, connect to each other, seek affinity and create community. Our Community Message Board is designed to work on a wide range of devices and unlike social media, is uncluttered by advertising and corporate control icons.

Primary social interaction

Joining the Qultura community is relatively simple, straightforward, free and easy. You simply register on our Community Message Board.

Registration and your Community Profile

From time to time we look into the possibilities of developing our own social media platform, but for the time being we make use of the third party message board hosting system Proboards.

Registering on our Community Message Board gives you not only access to the Community Message Board itself but also what serves as an alternative to a social media profile. You can create your own Community Profile just as you would on any social media platform based on your username identity. You can upload a photo or two, set a status, connect to other users, follow each other, send messages, and also post on the message board.

How you fill out and develop your Community Profile is pretty much up to you but unlike social media you're not being bombarded and targetted by various advertisers trying to sell you stuff, nobody messes about with the content, and you don't have to worry about what you post outside of the Qultura community moderation system (see below).

Posting guidelines

To give you some idea using examples of social media platforms, the Community Message Board is designed to work in a similar way to content based social media platforms such as Reddit and Quora with the content being generated by individual users and community style moderation. All too often in the past people have registered but not posted anything, and in not posting anything there is no content and nothing really happens. But see online communities cannot develop without content and when people register and won't post content it doesn't really work.

Therefore we strongly encourage all users to post subversive content, i.e. you come online to start threads and create posts based on your individual perspectives, life experiences, observations, memories, and you post about random thoughts, feelings, musings, interests, anything really so as to generate what can be described as dream weaving content. Do not worry about whether or not what you post is going to be popular or not, or how other people are going to perceive what you post. It doesn't matter. What matters is getting content onto the boards for other people to respond to.

This goes back to that Timothy Leary quote we covered on the webpage on Community Standards, and making use of the Community Message Board to post about the (socially) forbidden stuff. Post about stuff such as deja vu, such as reincarnation, post your thoughts on death and mortality, post about your dreams and visions, post about all the mysterious and non-rational stuff which you cannot easy talk about in normal everyday conversation without the people who normally know you such as friends and family thinking you're weird and crazy. We actively encourage such weird and existential content simply because this is stuff we all think about but rarely if ever get to discuss and talk about.

Similarly when it comes to the more rational stuff such as your experiences of society and living in community there is no need to censor yourself and restrict yourself to posting about stuff which meets the arbitrary social standards of Widespread Social Respectability and examples of Good Model Citizenry. Keep in mind that there's more than a little anti-authoritarian sentiment running through Qultura Core, much of what is presented as rational political discourse and opinion is sheer nonsense and much of the point of developing a Qultura method is finding ways to overcome and transcend your cultural and social programming and mental conditioning.

We don't care about what particular ideology you follow, be it religious, political or philosophical. This is not that sort of online social environment. If you want to discuss religion go to church or a mosque. If you want to discuss politics go join a political party or go back to social media. What we're interested in here is what makes you the human being you are, your life experiences, your individual perspective on life, your memories, we encourage you to post about your highs, your lows, your perspective on relationships, on existence, on life, and place a very high value on original first hand account type of content.

Community moderation guidelines

Please keep in mind that the Community Message Board is moderated and by design the standards of community moderation are variable and dependent on what content is being posted. Usually the style of moderation is light because most people tend to make use of our Community Standards but it can get very heavy very quickly if you decide to ignore or abuse those standards. There are however some fairly clear no nos.

Please do not post content which promotes any sort of ideology, belief system, or the mission or objectives of any sort of organization or hierarchy. This is not an appropriate social environment to spread the word of God, religious beliefs, political beliefs, either for or against. Please don't come out with the trope that everything is political - many things which are important to life, such as love, health, style, and beauty are not political and there are issues which are far bigger and far more important than politics.

Please also don't post content which is clearly commercial, including forms of self-promotion, seeking followers, subscribers, fundraising, or soliciting any form of financial or material stuff from any users. If you need financial or material support in some way then please message Qultura Core directly and we can signpost you somewhere more appropriate but please don't post anything commercial, professional, entrepreneurial as it's likely to be removed and repeat offenders will also be removed from the community. Just don't go there.

Similarly please always keep in mind that this is explicitly an empathy focussed community. We are good to each other, we are supportive of each other. We are mindful of the fact that we all have our struggles, our mental health issues, and our self-esteem issues. Some people who come into this community might be affected by social isolation, social anxiety, and might have not much more for support than a mouse, keyboard, computer and monitor, or even a cheap smartphone, and they come here for some degree of emotional and psychological support. We don't do stigma, we don't do victim blaming, and we don't judge other people by our own standards.

Therefore please keep in mind that the Community Standard is always primary social interaction. Stick to that and we should all somehow manage to get along with each other.