Nothing right, nothing wrong' is a book about karma and how karma is something which is completely different to morality and moral reasoning. Many people, especially in the West, confuse karma and morality and often believe that karma is this swirly mysterious force of divine retribution that punishes wrongdoers out of nowhere. This is of course complete and utter bullshit. The universe doesn't do retribution.
Karma is all about physical process
Strictly speaking 'karma' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'action' as in action, reaction and interaction. Karma is the basis of Natural Law and as karma is always a physical process karma is based on energy and both cycle and vibration. But karma also has a source and that source is memory as in physical memory.
Memory isn't just something in your brain or inside your head memory is also the basis of all physical existence. Memory can be seen as pattern, form, shape, rhythm, and so it exists in every single biological cell. Emotional and mental memory extends only as far as your life cycle but the memory contained in your biological cells and physical body goes right back through the whole of the human species and biological evolution.
Karma exists throughout all three physical dimensions of existence - see the webpage The Five Dimensions of Life to undertand these dimensions.
Therefore karma is based on energy vibration and cycles. This comes down to the very fundamentals of living existence, which is based on vibration and thus pulsation and different polar opposites which go together.
- existence and non-existence
- life and death
- sound and silence
- light and darkness
- physical form and space
These are examples of things which always go together. There are no exceptions. You do not find physical objects without space. You cannot have light without darkness and shade. You cannot have life without death. You cannot have sound without silence. If you forget this principle of karma then your whole perception and perspective of life becomes distorted and funny things start to happen. This is at the point where you start to misunderstand and misinterpret.
But we do have something which does distort our perception and perspectives and that is morality and moral reasoning. The whole premise of moral reasoning is that you can have good without bad, better without worse, and good without evil. This is the fundamental premise of separateness and it is this central illusion of separateness, which cheats us out of both our mystical experiences and environmental awareness.
But you can find out more about this in this free e-book 'Nothing right, nothing wrong'.