Qultura was developed out of Creative Law, the meme of which you see above. Qultura was originally developed as a modern system for people who have experienced moderate to heavy past trauma to develop conscious awareness and return to a state of mindfulness in a relatively short period of time. Therefore the Qultura system is designed to make it possible for anyone to create their own process of awakening based own unique life experience using Qultura methodology and the community.
If you pay attention to the Creative Law meme above you should get a rough idea of how a process of awakening works. The Creative Cycle in the centre highlights the four stages of the creative cycle - perception, inspiration, conception and interaction. This is the basis of the 'mystical transaction', i.e. the relationship between you and your environment and community.
On this webpage we will look at what's involved in a process of awakening from a Qultura perspective.
Being real, living your truth
As a rough guide, your emphasis should always be on being real - walking your walk, talking your talk, and living your individual truth. Your Principle or Core Being defines your Process. This means that there's an emphasis on personal integrity and authenticity.
It's important to understand that from a Qultura perspective belief - any belief, including any religious belief, philosophy, or ideology is Process. Any belief is a method, a journey or a tool which can lead you to the truth, but belief and truth are two completely different things. Truth is consciousness and, as consciousness manifests out of space, truth is also insight and inspiration. Once truth takes on physical form through language, truth becomes a belief, part of Process, and thus becomes relatively real.
You cannot create truth from belief. You can only create truth from your direct individual existence and perception through an understanding of Natural Law (or its short form) Creative Law.
Now we come to the important bit....
Creating truth from your karmic process
You create truth out of a connection to environment and other people because insight can only come in the present moment from your environment because consciousness always manifests out of space and relationship. Any perceived truth from any belief is an illusion and imaginary. Truth can only be created through perception and direct connection to your environment.
As illustrated in the Creative Law meme (Creative Cycle) truth can only come out of inspiration or insight.
So how do you determine truth or 'measure' it? You can only determine what is truth against law. In a system of man made laws and a justice system truth is determined in a court of law, in the presence of a judge or a jury. The exact same principle applies to mysticism, spirituality and what is known as an existential dimension. You can only create truth through an understanding of Natural Law and direct connection to environment.
Hopefully now you see the connection between Qultura methodology (Natural Law and mystical principles) and the Qultura community.
So how do you know where to 'seek' and 'find' the truth? This is simple. If you remember elsewhere on this website we stated that you know all the answers to the questions you're asking? Well your past karma and past experience of life, past incarnations ia the source of your path through life. All your questions to what you see or need to learn come out of your past memory and past karma. In other words it all comes from Process.
Bringing this all together can be achieved in practical terms through dream weaving.
The karmic process = the process of awakening
If you understand the above then you will understand that your karmic process is also your process of awakening. You can decide for yourself when to transition from the karmic process to a process of awakening.
Furthermore as you're not following any belief or ideology there is also no necessity to create any belief system out of Qultura methodology.You can create any number of different Qultura methods out of your past karma, Felt Sense of Immediate Experience, life experience and connections to both environment and community.
There is also nothing that you 'should' or 'must' do or the 'right'way to life because free will is an illusion and you go through a process of awakening through a process of individuation - exploring, experimenting, learning and discovering- about your environment,about other people and about life. Going through life with preconceived notions and beliefs on how you should behave clouds your perception, closes your mind and distorts your perception. All this blinds you to any truth.
However please keep in mind that once you start a process of awakening it becomes part of your Principle and enters your conscious awareness. This means that on the one hand if you fall or away fromyour pathy it's okay. There is no moral reasoning or concept of sin or right and wrong from a Qultura perspective There is only truth and illusion. Often you can only get to the truth through the illusion - which explains the polarity between perception and conception (referring back to the Creative Cycle in the Creative Law meme).
But on the other hand Principle is the basis of your relationship and connection to the environment - across all five dimensions of living existence. Now depending on your individual life experiences and the circumstances of your story, prior your awakening experience and story you could get up to your old shenanigans and milk your melodramas for all they were worth.
However once you've come into the community, created a method and started your process of awakening you can't. This is where we come to the 'snag'or 'catch' with the Qultura system. Qultura is all about being real - walking your walk, talking your talk and living your truth. This is not some Mickey Mouse mindfulness retreat. We don't do spiritual bullshit or swirly freaky mumbo jumbo. Empathy, personal integrity, authenticity and style are all of central importance. More details on this in the Community Section of the website.
With that in mind let's move onto the last webpage in this section which is about developing a narrative (story) and the practical aspects of dream weaving.