Core Being is another term for Principle, i.e. the sum total of consciousness of your being, and is used in relation to Unmind, which is the fourth component of Qultura methodology. Unlike other similar systems Qultura does not offer you a method to follow but proactively encourages you to create and develop your own Qultura methods out of a single methodology. Unmind, which is unique and exclusive to Qultura, simply offers you guidelines through various mystical principles and techniques to enable you to create your own Qultura methods from your existing perspective and life experience. Both Core Being and Principle are the equivalent of your individual conscious perspective on life.
What is Unmind?
Unmind is essentially mindfulness. Mindfulness can be defined as a kind of psychological and emotional equilibrium or your natural state of being - your emotional and psychological 'centre' - where you are connected to everything and everyone around you and you are not distracted by desires, intrusive thoughts, or drawn into the illusion of separateness between self and other and between self and environment. You just simply are, being choicelessly aware and simply drifting through life. When you're in this state and just drifting, you are experiencing what can be called the flow of life.
This state of being, which is innate and which you were born with, is something which exists within you. From a Qultura perspective seeking mindfulness as something which you need to achieve outside of yourself is an illusion and will usually result in failure and despair. Core Being is therefore a term coined for the purposes of Unmind to emphasize the fact that mindfulness is your natural state of being and something which is within you, not anywhere outside of you.
Just as on some level you know all the answers to all the questions you are asking you also have a much better idea of what returns you to your natural state of mindfulness better than anyone else. However if you are not sure or have forgotten developing a Qultura method is a reliable way of reminding yourself.
Traumatic mindsets
A traumatic mindset is when you get drawn into separateness through some kind of desire, or emotional/psychological attachment, expectation, craving or belief and are drawn 'off-centre' when it comes to Core Being. Desire here is an umbrella term to mean different things, wishes, wants, needs, cravings, expectations, psychological dependencies, compulsions and addictions.
There are three basic fundamental desires everyone has, which are:
sensory pleasantness reincarnation non-existence
This is a desire for pleasant sensations and experiences of pleasantness and pleasure.
This is a desire for reincarnation, rebirth and continuity of living existence.
This is a desire for non-existence, annihilation and an end to existence.
These three basic underlying desires will influence and shape so many things about you including your beliefs, your worldview, how you perceive yourself and others and will often underlie many of the other desires you have.
Desires are essentially energies and forces which manifest within us and they lead to attachments, personalization, identification, and as such they can heavily influence our thinking, our feelings and emotions, our beliefs, our perception about ourself and other people, and also our behavious and how we interact with others. When it comes to understanding desire there are two important things we need to figure out:
- Intensity
- The first thing we need to look at is the intensity of the desire. Are we talking about a simple wish or want, or a definite need, or a desperate need, or a psychological dependency, or a compulsion, or even an addiction?
- Fulfillment
The second thing we need to look at is the outcome or consequence of the desire and what happens when we get the desire fulfilled and also what happens if the desire is unfulfilled. How does this affect our behaviour and what kind of karma does it result in? In other words, how does the fulfillment or lack of fulfillment affect our karmic process?
Keep in mind that the outcome of any desire is either fulfillment - satisfaction, pleasure, pleasantness, success, or a lack of fulfillment - despair, disappointment, further craving, longing, suffering, misery.
So in this context we come to traumatic mindsets of which there are five:
Lust is a fundamental motivation or desire to either objectify, dehumanize, fetishize, sexualize or abuse yourself, someone else or something else for the purposes of gratification, personal fulfillment, personal gain, personal advantage or personal profit which is achieved non-consensually. Understand is also any desire or motivation to seek or gain control or an advantage over another living being or human for the false illusion of power, authority or control.
Enmity is a fundamental motivation or desire to destroy, harm, abuse, cause damage, create division, create or cause suffering, pain, loss, hardship, separate, maim, injure, or even kill another living being or human, use force against them.
Apathy is a fundamental motivation or desire to separate self from other and reinforce separateness through thinking, communication and action or unthinking, non-communication and inaction so as to avoid connection, disconnect or remain indifferent or passive from other and one's environment on the basis of environmental ignorance.
Worry is a fear based traumatic mindset which takes in anxiety, doubt, societal indifference, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of other people, self-doubt, a lack of self-confidence, a fear of other people's opinions or reactions, fear of being found out, general insecurity, and through this mindset you are unable to be in a state of mindfulness or focus your conscious attention on anything because you are ruminating and preoccupied by whatever is causing you to worry, be anxious or fearful.
There is thinking, there is feeling, there is even breathing, communication and interaction but the mind is well and truly closed and fixated on an ideological or philosophical belief which forms the basis for reality. This is the traumatic mindset of the small-minded individual who is attached to separateness, Ego and belief cycles who is unable to perceive or recognize either reality or truth. This can be a transient, temporary mindset just as much as it can be a permanent unchanging mindset.
RAIN Methodology
RAIN Methodology is how you recover from a traumatic mindset through Unmind and dream weaving practice. RAIN, or rather R-A-I-N is a simple term to help you remember these four simple steps which are:
- Recognition
- The first step is to recognize that you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. How are you identifying with your mindset? Is your identification physical so that you are either identifying with your experience or identifying as being separate from your experience? Is your identification based on a physical attachment?
- Acceptance
The next step is to accept that you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. It happens to the best of us.
If someone else is going through a traumatic mindset and you're the object or target of their nastiness or toxicity then the very last thing you do is engage them in some sort of conflict or try to change their mind. This will only escalate the situation. Simply remove yourself from the situation and move on as best you can. You have enough of your own karma to deal with without taking on anyone else's karma.
- Investigation
- The next step is to investigate how come you or someone else is experiencing a traumatic mindset and generating karma. What is triggering it? What is motivating it? What was going on before the traumatic mindset developed? What's the story? What was the action or event (karma) out of which the traumatic mindset arose? Learn to dig deep into yourself or other people to get to the narrative and backstory. Don't give up until you have what you feel or sense to be the truth.
- Non-attachment
- Liberation from a traumatic mindset and resolution of karma comes from non-identifying and non-attachment as a physical form - belief attachments, ideologies, outcomes, images, point scoring, and moral reasoning. You are not a physical object or being, you are not your body, your mind, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts, your words, or your actions. All this is process. You are Core Being and the reality behind the process. You are here to experience the universe, this planet, life, and to be happy. This is your reality.
Using RAIN Methodology to bring you back to centre or Core Being is a major part of dream weaving which is achieved through two simple basic magic rituals, one which you do alone, and the other which you do in community. This is covered in Unmind and Qultura methodology.
Another major aspect of dream weaving practice is developing a loving space. More details on what a love space can be found on the next webpage 'What is the loving space?'