Similar to eastern systems Qultura accepts reincarnation and karma as a given, simply because reincarnation are part of Natural Law. In fact most religions and philosophies allow for reincarnation and karma as part of their mystical teachings which manifests as some kind of belief in heaven and hell, some afterlife, or some form of existence after death. However Qultura does not speculate or offer any kind of explanation as to what happens or doesn't happen after we die and sees the question of life after death as a very tiny aspect of reincarnation which has been blown out of all proportion.
What is reincarnation?
Fundamentally in terms of Qultura, reincarnation is consciousness transforming into energy and physical form over and over and over again according to a vibration, pattern or cycle. The basis of this definition of reincarnation comes from Creative Law, out of which Stella Baker created the whole Qultura methodology back in 2009 and which is the first universal principle in the second component of Qultura methodology.
The basis of all physical existence is the energy cycle or vibration. If we take a single cycle of energy or a wave as one incarnation, then reincarnation is essentially a sequence or process of many different energy cycles coming together as a vibration, a rhythm, a pattern or a sequence. Of course there is a wide variation of energy frequency which determines the process of reincarnation. Solid physical objects which are inanimate contain far more space than consciousness, so the energy frequencies of a solid, inanimate object are extremely high, high enough to make them appear solid from our perspective. In contrast life occurs at extremely low frequencies of energy with a much higher degree of consciousness. Take for example the life cycle of a beech tree which can take anywhere up to 350 years to complete a single incarnation.
Reincarnation is essentially process, or karmic process, which occurs across many different dimensions of existence and across all three of the physical dimensions of living existence. This means that reincarnation goes hand in hand with karma. Some simple examples of reincarnation include breathing, sleep, the seasons of the year, the female menstrual cycle, thinking, communication and so on and so forth.
The relationship between life and death is such a tiny aspect of reincarnation but it is so far pretty much impossible to work out for sure. All we know that energy is a constant which changes constantly relative to consciousness and space and our lives are made up of a vast multitude of different energy cycles and frequencies many of which lie beyond our ability to perceive them or differentiate between them. However we can extrapolate from our experience that sleep and unconsciousness gives us new energy. On the basis of that understanding, and that physical existence is cyclical, it seems a given that life ends with death and death is the start of a new life cycle.
So within the context of reincarnation and understanding what reincarnation is all about, we can move onto karma. Karma is a complex subject with many different interpretations and explanations but essentially what it all boils down to is being and doing. Karma takes in all aspects of physical existence so it's memory, thinking, communication, action (and reaction and interaction), desire, emotional and psychological attachments, choices and consequences.
Some interpretations of karma confuse karma with morality and moral reasoning. Some people talk about good karma and bad karma. There is no connection between karma and morality. Karma is the basis of Natural Law. Morality isn't. It's that simple.
It is not possible to engage in moral reasoning without engaging in moral relativism. Define good. Define bad. Define better. Define worse. Now explain how your definitions of good, bad, better and worse are objectively better than anyone else's definition. Employing moral reasoning distorts your perspective and inevitably brings you into conflict with either other people or yourself. Moral reasoning is disregarded completely in terms of Qultura which is completely karmic in nature and thus morality has no place in any Qultura method.
The basis of karma is something known as the chain of mutual interdependent origin in that all karma arises out of memory and relationship and constant cycles of creativity and interaction. This is the fundamental basis of Process, which can also be known as karmic process. Any relationship between one incarnation and another is known as a karmic bond. Keep in mind that we experience two types of karmic bonds. The first is the inter-generational karmic bonds we experience which happens between parent and child, and then when the child grows up to become an adult and becomes a parent and has children, once again parent and child shares a karmic bond.
Then there is the second type of karmic bond between different incarnations of ourselves and the karma from one life cycle becoming part of the karma of another life cycle or incarnation. These karmic bonds are part of what is known as assigned or given karma. We are all born into a life with a certain karma and specific factors which we need to resolve or figure out in order to resolve the existing karma and create new karma, and essentially move on. We can resolve such karma in one of two ways, either by going through experiences directly in life and resolving the karma through insight and new awareness, or we can enter into relationship with someone else through which we gain insight and new awareness.
Then there is 'chosen' karma which is essentially the kind of karma we take on or enter into voluntarily when we make choices and have to embrace the consequences of our choices. This is often here people get caught up in various illusions such as permanence, continuity and cause and effect, which is too simplistic for understanding karma. As you're probably aware making certain choices do not automatically lead to certain or guaranteed consequences. Some of the bigger choices we make sometimes don't work out, and some of the little or insignificant choices can come with unforeseen or much bigger or more profound consequences than we originally envisaged.
What is however clear is that the consequences of your previous choices become your available choices in the present moment, and the consequences from the choices you make now will become the basis for your future choices. This means that on some level choice and consequence amount to the same thing, i.e. karmic process or process. Not that this is always a straightforward, linear process. For example a choice you made when you were 15 years old may result in a consequence you experience when you are 39 years old. You may face a choice or a situation when you are 45 years old as a consequence of not making a choice when you were 28 years old. Likewise you may make certain choices while in a relationship with one person, but when you're in a relationship with another person you may make different choices.
Karma is complex and understanding it does need a meta-physic and a deeper, existential understanding of life. To make this somewhat simpler and easier to identify karma, we can think of there being four different types of karma:
Direct karma refers to the karma of individual or personal choices and consequences and involves the karma which is relating to our personal beliefs, desires, emotional and psychological attachments, what we think, how we communicate and how we behave. This is the type of karma which determines our relationship with ourselves, how we are perceived by others, and also how we affect other people and because of this, direct karma is chosen karma which exists in a duality or polarity with relationship karma.
Past karma relates to the karma arising out of memory from the past which may be assigned or given karma from karmic bonds, karma from our childhood, past relationship or direct karma, karma from previous incarnations, essentially all the karma we have built up through the past. This is the type of karma which is often the hardest to figure out and resolve, because it can take in so many different forms of karma, and is often the karma we are least conscious of. You have no physical memory of any previous incarnations, and you cannot even remember every single thing you've said, thought or done throughout your life. But it is often the source of consequences which keep coming back on you and certain situations happening again and again repeatedly through your life.
Past karma exists in a duality and polarity with flow karma. It is this duality or polarity between past karma and flow karma which causes many people to seek out a meta-physic or develop a spiritual or existential dimension to their lives.
Relationship karma is the type of chosen karma which arises out of relationships we have with other people and exists in a duality and polarity with direct karma. Why do certain relationships work out a certain way? Why do some relationships work out but others don't? While relationship karma exists in a polarity with direct karma it is not always simple or easy to figure out because in relationship you're also experiencing someone else's direct karma, which always factors into how or whether your relationship works out or not.
Flow karma is essentially the type of karma you need to create or develop in order to figure out your past karma and the specific factors you were born into in your life. Developing flow karma, as its name implies, is the type of karma you need to create and develop to make your life 'flow' and seem simple, straightforward and easier, creating what is known in Qultura terms as the 'flow of life' where you become 'choicelessly aware' and no matter what situation you find yourself in, you understand what you need to do next.
Please always keep in mind that nobody else can tell you what your flow karma is or could be and you won't usually find it by following any 'one size fits all' method or belief system. Please also don't mistake it for or try to pass it off as destiny, or fate because that brings you into determinism and this is not a deterministic universe or planet. The only way you have of figuring this out is by trial and error, by exploring, experimenting, learning and discovering, and also going through a process of individuation and becoming real, developing connections with your environment and others, developing a narrative based on individual truth and developing what is known as a loving space (explained later in this section).
As you can see karma is incredibly complex to understand. Qultura and dream weaving is designed to enable you to 'figure out your karma' through developing a Qultura method.